Whenever God has sought to accomplish something in the earth for the sake of His Kingdom, He has always chosen a man, given him faith, vision, and provision for it, and has surrounded him with people who are committed to that cause. Although the people will love and respected the man, it not just about the man; it’s about the vision. I am not sure if most of us have an understanding of the importance of vision. I really pity the person who has no vision or cause and is not connected to any.
Jesus was the greatest visionary ever, but He had 12 men whom He trained to run with His vision ( Matthew 10:1 , 2). Gideon had 300 (Judges 7:7 ). Without a vision, the people will perish, but without the people, the vision will perish. The bottom line is; we all need each other.
Every vision must be nurtured, watched over and protected. It is the responsibility of the people to conduct their lives in an orderly fashion and be sure that they are not a hindrance to that cause (Luke 9:46-48 ). All it takes is one self-centered person who is not immediately dealt with to cause confusion and draw more attention to themselves than the vision. The vision we are a part of must be greater than our petty jealousy, envy, and strife.
Many people have walked away from where the Lord has positioned them over an argument or disagreement that was petty and unprofitable. They allowed their condition to become greater than the vision they were a part of. Many of these same people have been unfruitful in their walk with God for years because of their refusal to forgive and refocus on purpose, cause, and vision. There is more to vision than preaching, singing, casting out devils, healing the sick, or winning people to Christ. We must live the kind of lifestyle that the Lord will say; well done! Whether it is the local church vision, missions ministry, traveling music ministry, or an evangelistic ministry; you must have a forgiving attitude, a humble heart, and a love walk that overlooks the shortcoming of those around you.
You must be careful (prayerful) not to separate yourself from the person or the vision that is connected to fulfilling your destiny. For every person in the body of Christ, there is a vision and an anointing that the Holy Spirit will, cause you to be attracted to for your good. When you get connected to the ministry with the vision that you should be a part of, stick to it like glue! The anointing on that ministry will cause you to experience great joy, peace, illumination, and a sense of belonging and purpose.
But beware! The enemy will try to manipulate situations and your emotions to cause you to walk away. Don’t do it! Even if you have to pray through the night, shed some tears and turn down your plate and fast for a few days to conqueror your emotions and your imagination, just do it. There is no perfect church, perfect ministry, perfect vision, or a perfect leader. Don’t waste your time looking for one; it doesn’t exist! But, there is a vision, an anointing and ministry for you and your imperfections, and when you find it, you will know it. Remember, you must become a runner with your part in the vision. Speak with your leader and make yourself available. Be submitted, be faithful, be committed, be on time. As
you run with your part in the vision, your destiny will be fulfilled.
Bishop/Pastor/Author/Publisher/Entrepreneur/Radio Producer/Conference Speaker
Overflowing Life Christian Center, Allentown, Pa