Know that we are called by God to do many things but if we do the things he calls us to do, save souls, testimony, or tithe under a yoke of burden– we are blocking HIS blessings.

Rather what God calls us to do we do in Love, in Christ, so that we may receive Gods, grace, and glory. When I give of myself the way God calls me to do– it will be given back to me.
If you sow seeds in love, you reap a love harvest. If you sow in fear or burden- you receive a harvest full of more fear and burden. You receive a blessing and blessing come from Love, so if your sowing in LOVE you can receive a blessing because blessings are given to us by the Love of God.
When you live under the burden of circumstances— you empower the curse for failure. Ask God for the excitement!!!
We are not to be burdened because Christ’s blood which was shed by Jesus’ love, because he could have stopped it if he really wanted to–but for the Love of God he said THY WILL be done.
It was in his love the blood was shed. When you do things grudgingly–you block the blessing.
Think about why you LOVE GOD. Be motivated not by NEED but by Love! When HE sees your motivation in Love, he is compelled to deliver you LOVE. Everything we do should be from the circle of Love, with the thoughts of “how would Love respond” Every action done in love- harvests love.
2 Cor 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. When we give in Love, it destroy ALL YOKES. When compassion moves, burdens are removed.
The answer to ALL QUESTIONS are Love- God will not abandon love, God loves, and love amplifies the power given to us by God. God will not prosper you financially and leave you sick. He is a god of completeness. Love impacts all areas of life, the body, the soul and your finances.
Prosperity will fatten your neck so the yokes of bondage wont even fit on you!!! Solomon was moved by the Love of God to offer 1000 burnt offerings, and the glory of the Lord filled his house. Say I love you what can I do for you today. I tithe and will never not tithe because love motivates me to act like HIM.
How do we beat the enemy– LOVE. No fear, no selfishness- but rather in all love we can receive his blessing. Where you end up in life is based on what you do and if you do what you do in fear or necessity, or in love for God and his word. LOVE IS OUR WAY OF ESCAPE. It provides the confidence we need to build great faith, love makes you SURE.
We must remember WE DO NOT HAVE THE POWER- to cancel out Gods love. He is Love, he loved you at your worst moment in life, and in your best moments! He never stops so we should not waste time doubting God’s Love.
25“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:25-27
As God provides for his creations which he loves, WE ARE greater than birds- and God already knows what we need to be happy-and he is able and willing, in fact DESIRES to bless us! LOVES TO DO IT. Exercise faith, and confessions because he loves you, Lions will roar in your life to make you fall away from what God would have you do, but when you operate in love, you realize that your circumstances are just the NOISE of the lions or the enemy-Lions CAN’T eat me because God loves me so they’ll have to wait for something else cause they CAN’T and God says they WONT have me, and we are not to focus on what is seen but rather what is unseen, for FAITH is the substance of all things hoped for the evidence of all things unseen Hebrews 11:1. FAITH IS THE SHIELD IN THE ARMOR OF GOD- say– “I might not have what I want right NOW– BUT I WILL HAVE IT!”
Be put in remembrance that God LOVES, and we have to talk about IT, his LOVE. Love is an anointing that we have been blessed and empowered with. Love is our covenant with Jesus, who is our channel to GOD, as we are HIS channel to the unbeliever.
We are given this LOVE by grace and in love. Stir it up, and we will make the enemy mad- He’ll make all kinds of noise about it- but he can’t harm because of God’s Love.
Ps 122: 6 -9 say:
6Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May those who love you be secure.
7May there be peace within your walls
and security within your citadels.”
8For the sake of my brothers and friends,
I will say, “Peace be within you.”
9For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek your prosperity.
We receive the ultimate blessing of Love when we receive Jesus’ death as a purification, and we receive that IN LOVE.
If your feeling burdened say Lord help me to want to— where I don’t want to–. You can be honest with God. But instead of sowing words like I can’t or why do I have to or I don’t want to– PRAY FOR THE WANT TO and then receive the WANT TO in LOVE as God gives in Love.

Submitted by Sean of Victory Fellowship
Allentown, Pa